New Abortion Ban: Orwellian
PP over at SDWC has an advanced copy of the new abortion ban. It is quite Orwellian. The ban language starts out by telling women that you have the constitutional "right" to be pregnant and that "right" is benificial to the mother (they don't use woman anywhere in the text, just mother). It is clear they only see women as baby making machines thus the word "mother" because to these people that is all you are. So the ban is here to tell you that you really want to be pregnant, your just too stupid to see it so they are here to "help" you. Then they do on to proclaim that a "large percentage" of abortions are because women are "not truely informed" and that they are not voluntary.
They are basing this on what???
Here we are again, the same load of crap the task farce tried to shovel last year. Women are too stupid to know what they want and only do things because they are stupid and forced to?? This is just beyond insulting. None of this in this law is based in any fact and is not supported by any legitimate research. This is nothing more than law based on someone's personal opinion.
Then they go on to again claim that abortion causes psychological issues, suicide and depression. There is a mountain of evidence and every major medical association has declared these statements to be false. So again we have one groups unsubstantiated propaganda put into a law.
The really Orwellian line is where they tell you that it is the states duty to protect your intrinsic right to motherhood. In real world language: we have decided that we can force you to be pregnant and stay pregnant no matter what you say, think or feel. This is nothing but a power grab on womens civil rights.
Now on to the details of the bill.
They stated that any person, not just a doctor that assists a woman even by procuring or selling something to them that they use to terminate a pregnancy would be guilty under the law. Someone obtaining an oral medication that could be used for pregnancy termination would also be guilty and punished under the law. Will they be arresting the store clerks at Bed Bath and Beyond for selling coathangers?? There are drugs on the market that can work as abortive drugs but have other uses. Will doctors and pharmacists now refuse to dispense these drugs for other reasons just in case they might fall in the wrong hands and get used for other purposes?
Then there is the health exception that isn't a health exception. The health exception states that only if the pregnancy would cause an irreversible damage to a major bodily function. The other option is if death is impending. Many of the health complications could kill someone, but also will reverse itself upon the pregnancy ending. So it becomes a rock and a hard place situation. This health exception is NOT a health exception and will not help the thousands of women each year with serious medical complications. Why? Because of the clause that the condition must be irreversible. If the pregnancy is causing the horrible health problem and the pregnancy ends that generally causes the condition to at least partially resolve if not fully. But left to fester that condition could put the woman's life at risk. So the woman would again have to wait til the condition is life threatening before terminating a pregnancy. Therefore puting their own life at unneeded risk due to a stupid law. Women with eclampsia, diabetes, heart conditions, Hyperemesis Gravidarium and a number of other conditions that can become life threatening to the woman would have to wait til the condition became life threatening before they could terminate. This health exception IS NOT ONE and would leave most of the health issues that are cause for pregnancy termination to not even be allowed. There are honest health conditions that can lead to death but again our state legislature has chosen to risk womens lives out of sheer ignorance and disregard.
Ah, and then there are the rape and incest exceptions. Let us start out by saying that the law enforcement and court system in South Dakota is a pathetic abuse system for victims of sexual assault. This is the case many other places in the country but South Dakota is behind the civilized world on this one. The only way a woman could obtain an abortion due to rape or incest is to be FORCED to file charges and participate in whatever police investigation and court proceedings. This bill forces victims to subject themselves to more abuse, degradation and harassment or be forced to carry a pregnancy against their will. This is simply abuse of the victim and the state does nothing to assure said victim gets any sort of fair treatment in the system. Many victims do not want to press charges or come forward. Doing so can be even more emotionally traumatic and damaging than the actual crime and victims can be the subject of retaliation. Law enforcement provides no protection for these victims. There is also the recent story of a rape victim that was thrown in jail after reporting her assault. Victims who are worried about old warrants or other issues would not want to get involved in law enforcement out of fear they would end up in jail. Under this law the victim would not be forced to submit to punishment or incarceration in order to hopefully terminate a pregnancy. There are also many people who simply have no desire to be involved with law enforcement out of simple fear. This entire forced prosecution is simply more harassment of the victim. This also forces someone to submit their private medical records to law enforcement and the courts, there is no method for someone to maintain their privacy. No one should be forced to hand over their medical records.
One odd line in the bill is that these people so offended by the idea that someone would terminate a pregnancy have no problem at all with you going somewhere else to get it done. So the issue they have been up in arms about is totally fine if it is done in Sioux City vs. North Sioux City.
So someone spent quite a bit of money to have this creepy New Jersey uterus chaser lawyer draft this up but the real implication of this law are awful. The short of it is that there is not health exception, only a death exception. Rape or incest victims get no help unless they are willing to turn themselves, their lives and their bodies over to the state.
So don't be fooled by the double talk, this one is no better than the other one.