Jack Billion gives soon to be former governor Mike Rounds an absolute smackdown on his lack of leadership and smarmy behavior surrounding the abortion ban.
The facts in question come from Rounds own comments and documented actions surrounding the abortion ban, that he clearly didn't even read it while it was in the legislature, his poor leadership in signing something he knew was a bad law and unconstitutional and his later attempts to divorce himself from his own actions.
The abortion ban itself is a sidenote in the whole run for governor. What it shows us about the capability, competence and mindset if Rounds is very important though. Rounds has been behaving in a totally arrogant fashion for quite a while now. His recent comments in the Argus about how he is the one making the decision about the upcoming execution of Elijah Page and that the voices of the people of South Dakota are irrelevant is a pretty damning example of Rounds arrogance. His signing of a law that he knew the majority of South Dakotans do not want (and was proven by the ballot signatures) and that he knew was unconstitutional confirms both his arrogance and incompetence. The governor works for the people of South Dakota, not the other way around. Rounds decided for himself that he would throw the state into turmoil with a divisive issue and burden us, the people of South Dakota with the large financial cost of his anti-abortion folly in the courts. But all of this begs a larger question. If he is screwing up things in these areas how bad is he screwing things up in other areas? Is he really acting in our best interests all around?
What about the distillery law he signed to benefit his brothers? What other favors is he doing for people he knows?
What about his documented abuse of the state plane? How many other things has he abused at taxpayer expense?
How are either of those acting in the best interest of the people of South Dakota?
When the drought became a big issue last month Rounds suggested we "pray for rain". This is not leadership. He should have been doing his job and actively looking at real solutions to help farmers, not only with pushing for aid programs, but what else could be done to minimize the losses incurred in the state. This is where creative thinking and real leadership come in. All we got was "pray for rain".
Another issue that has been brought up is the economic health of our state. Rounds has failed miserably on this front. His stellar idea was to court companies that would bring in low paying, high turnover call centers. He used low wages and lax labor laws as a selling feature of our state. This is not only not in the long term best interest of South Dakota it is a poorly conceived policy. South Dakota does have much to offer but Rounds is letting that slip away untapped. Our agriculture, alternative energy and other industries have great potential. Rounds took the easy way out and exploited South Dakotans for companies looking for cheap abuseable labor. This is not leadership nor in the best interest of South Dakota.
Schools is part of that economic health. If we ever wish to become more than a US based version of a Bangalore call center we need to make sure the people we graduate from South Dakota schools and universities have something in demand to offer. Rounds chose to ignore our schools and mumble something about handing out some laptops as a door prize. This is not leadership or in the best interest of our state.
What reminds us most of where we are as a state today is the turn around of Sioux Falls back in the late 1980's. Some forward thinking people decided they would take things into their own hands and stop Sioux Falls ongoing slide into decline. Jobs were scarce, the cities economic health was failing. There was much mud-slinging from the well entrenched old conservative types who saw the status quo as just fine. They wanted nothing to do with these forward thinking people. They claimed it was a bad idea and a waste of money to revitalize Sioux Falls and said they would fail miserably. But the old schoolers were overruled and Sioux Falls went on to be proclaimed a number one city. Cities who kept the status quo have turned into run down husks with no opportunity. This is evident again and again in smaller cities much like Sioux Falls that experienced the same issues in the 80's but kept the status quo.
Its about the real future of South Dakota.
Who will lead South Dakota and all of us to thrive.
Who will let South Dakota and all of us stagnate.